Products and services
At Laaq inc, we perform soil and plant tissue analyses based on Laserag technology. Our consulting service is based on high-performance agricultural software that allows us to apply gamma ray technology, produce soil maps, transmit data from weather stations and control irrigation.
Soil analysis
The LaserAG system is capable of analyzing soils accurately and faster than conventional laboratories thanks to an advanced application of Laser Breakdown Spectroscopy (LBS) that not only identifies the elements present in soils but can also quantify them. This revolutionary system, capable of performing 3,000 analyses per second, ensures the production of field maps at the highest definition. For more information, click here.
Plant tissue analysis
The LaserAG system is also used for plant tissue analysis, where field sampling and laboratory processing are meticulously programmed on the mobile application and then monitored to avoid human handling errors. In addition to reducing the margin of error to 5% (compared to 25% for conventional analysis methods), this system uses no chemicals and generates no waste. For more information, please contact us.
The irrigation system that Laaq inc. uses is based on actual weather data from each farm. The data, controlled by several sensors in the field and transmitted by satellite, allows you to calibrate your irrigation parameters to make it more efficient according to the crop, the type of soil and the weather conditions, using only the necessary amount of water. The system generates algorithms that, managed by artificial intelligence, propose an irrigation program that allows agricultural producers to save water and energy. Real-time monitoring on our mobile application and weekly reports, sent by email or SMS, allow you to easily correct or adjust your custom irrigation program and send remote commands to the system. Several options, including the degree of automation of the program, are available depending on your profile and the size of your farm.
Consulting and logistics services
At Laaq inc., we offer a consulting service adapted to our customers and respectful of the reality of the farm. After having determined an action plan corresponding to the specific needs of each producer, we accompany you on your journey, step by step. We also ensure the fast and safe transportation of samples that, once taken, are flown to the laboratory for analysis. A delay of only seven days is sufficient to send the results to the agricultural producers.